As a seller, you should be aware that New England Entry Only Flat Fee MLS services vary. Some in price, some in the quality of service and others in reputation. Naturally, everyone is looking for a good deal, which is why we offer such a low price for the service we provide. We know that getting a great price when listing your home for a flat fee might get you to sign up, but we also understand that a low price is worthless without exceptional service. We take pride in servicing our sellers who are looking to list for a flat fee. We are not just another flat fee listing service – we are a referral based flat fee MLS listing service. This means we do everything in our power to provide you with an exceptional selling experience so you will hopefully refer your friends, family, and co-workers to us when they are ready to sell. Over the years, we have gained a loyal following because we take the time to educate our flat fee sellers so they know exactly what to do and how to do it in order to sell their homes for the best possible price and terms.
Once we list your home we will have your listing syndicated across the Internet on various websites. In addition to our online marketing partner sites, your home will be displayed on thousands of individual real estate broker sites. Once you decide to list your home through our flat fee MLS service we will take care of all your online marketing. We do everything in our power to get the word out that you are selling your home. In real estate, reputation and perception is everything. Our brokerage and flat fee MLS service are both well known and reputable throughout the industry here in New England. Real estate agents love introducing buyers to our properties because they know our sellers are prepared. Your listing will be introduced to Buyer’s Agents under the Hillman Real Estate name.
→ Get the process started by heading over to our Agreement Wizard to create, sign and execute the listing agreement online.